PWG Impact

Prowisdom Growth concluded a series of skill development programs at School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) Gurgaon on 2nd November 2017.

During the one month engagement, the management students improved their written & verbal communication skills to improve upon their English Language Proficiency.

The students demonstrated an understanding as well as the application of the Tenses, Comparisons. Conditionals, Modals, Prepositions in their speech, which reflected in them becoming more confident while making a Business Communication.

They reflected on their video feedback w.r.t the correct usage of English Grammar, their body language, the appropriate tone of voice, the level of Dressing, eye contact, hand gestures and other non-verbal components to add value to their communication.



Prowisdom Growth conducted the IIIrd of its sustainable skill development programs on 29th Sept,2017 at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

The students got feedback on the ways to improve their written communication skills, the importance of knowing their values. They developed a basic understanding of The Cash Flow Quadrant & it's application, learning's from global entrepreneurs, the Iceberg Illusion, focus on willingness.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust, example of a Business Model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Encouraging students with the basics of entrepreneurship



Prowisdom Growth conducted the IInd of it's sustainable skill development programs on 26th Sept,2017 at Jagannath International School, Delhi.

The session was lead by Mr.Sanjay Kumar Goel. The students valued learning how to manage stress & ways to improve their concentration power through meditation & yoga.

They practiced to learn how to relax their bodies through various breathing exercises, how to improve focus to perform better at their studies by being in the present moment.

They also learnt how to reduce stress by bringing down the redundant activities so that they have more time to spend on productive activities.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Professionals empowering Schools & Students



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 25th Sept,2017 at JECRC University, Jaipur.

The students shared unique business plans & the problems they want to solve, as an entrepreneur. They valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust, active listening & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, fine tuned their understanding of their business plan, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections & learnt to respond and not react to objections & inputs from the audience, so that they can improve their business model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering Youth to generate employment & create value



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 24th Sept,2017 at Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections while being humble enough to listen to additional insights to improve their business model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering Youth to generate employment & create value



Prowisdom Growth conducted the IInd of its sustainable skill development programs on 23rd Sept,2017 at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

The students practiced their Communication Skills by speaking & recording their speech on a camera, practiced an appropriate voice tone & eye contact for an effective audience connect.

They learnt the benefits of being an active listener, the loss of trust if they do not listen to others, the 10 steps to an effective listening, wrote down their personal & professional goals, the time they need to invest each day to progress, drew their lifeline to know themselves better, S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting to bring in focus, Techniques of Time Management, the 4 Quadrants of time management & the need to read & write regularly, to bring in new thoughts into their mind & to express themeselves.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering College students through skill development



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E Cell IIT Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 20th Sept,2017 at ABV IIITM, Gwalior.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggles & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, market research, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections while being humble enough to listen to additional insights to improve their business model.

Entrepreneurship is a career choice. Believe in yourself.



Prowisdom Growth conducted the 1st of its skill development programs on 16th Sept,2017 at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

The students valued learning the basics of Public Speaking, the importance of active listening to convey respect for the speaker, the use of hand gestures to convey trust, Non-verbal communication through effective eye contact and smile to connect with the audience.

They practiced communicating in front of people to improve their self-confidence, valued knowing that they should communicate in the language in which they are comfortable, announce their professional goals along with the time they would commit each day to progress, learnt to invest their time in reading & networking through LinkedIn.

Each one of them is unique & ambitious to make a mark.We believe in them & are working with them to improve their skills.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering College students from education to employability



Prowisdom Growth conducted the 1st of its sustainable skill development engagement on 18th Sept,2017 at Jagannath International School, Delhi for the senior students.

The students learnt the basic skills of setting their goals, the value of analyzing where they spend time, Recording, Review & Planning (writing down their short - medium-long term goals), the 4 quadrants of Time Management, having an accountability partner, role model, asking for help & delegating, announcing their goals, empowering & helping their classmates more than competing, talking to themselves, the value of consistency in action even if its 15-20 minutes but it should be done each day, to progress on their long term goals.

Team Prowisdom Growth



Prowisdom Growth conducted an orientation for Keshav Mahavidyalaya College, D.U on 14th Sept,2017 to appraise the students on " Getting Job Ready Skills ".

The students valued sharing their professional goals, learnt the basics of time management, the 4 quadrants where they spend time, their need to focus on Q3 " Important & Not Urgent " for achieving long term goals, the value of setting Goals, getting an accountability partner to help them progress: be it their parents, sibling, mentor or friend.

How Entrepreneurship can be viewed as a career choice, the value of exploring their interests through different types of internships & mentored research projects, social networking, building critical skills valued by all employers, the importance of knowing/searching for the Purpose of their life, as early as they can.



Prowisdom Growth conducted an orientation session on 6th Sept,2017 for the EC & EN students at IPEC Ghaziabad to appraise them on the industry expectations w.r.t technical & non-technical skills to enhance their employability.

The students valued learning the need to define & set their professional goals, to cultivate a habit of exploring their interest & potential by pursuing different types of internships, to understand Job Descriptions clearly & the types of Jobs available in different departments of a Company.

They got an insight into the 3 types of industry valued skills:
1.Technical Skills (Production, Design, Instrumentation, Drafting, PLC, HMI, Power Quality, Safety devices, Circuit & Panel Design, SCADA, Autocad)
2.Management Skills (TQM,QC Tools, Lean Process,Shop Floor performance tools)
3.Life Skills (Effective Communication, Self-Management, Computer Literacy,Team work)



Team Prowisdom Growth wishes you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous Diwali. Have a great year ahead...

Diwali is India's biggest holiday of the year. The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness.

Over the centuries, Diwali has become a national festival that is enjoyed by most Indians regardless of faith.

On the first day of Diwali, people consider it auspicious to spring clean the home and shop for gold or kitchen utensils.

On the second day, people decorate their homes with clay lamps and create design patterns called rangoli on the floor using colored powders or sand.

The third day is the main day of the festival when families gather together for Lakshmi puja, a prayer to Goddess Lakshmi followed by mouth-watering feasts and firework festivities.

The fourth day is the first day of the new year when friends and relatives visit with gifts and best wishes for the season.

On the last day of Diwali, brothers visit their married sisters who welcome them with love and a lavish meal.



"Don't tell me sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon" - a quote by Paul Brandt.

Prowisdom Growth is proud to mentor a group of enthusiastic students as part of our sustainable skill development engagement at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

On 15th Oct,2017 the students learnt the 9 components of a Business Model Canvas, how to look for additional revenue streams, their need to focus on developing a Minimum Viable Product/Service, defining their Value Proposition, setting weekly work goals & having an accountability partner.

They evaluated the key customer segments, how to fine tune a sustainable & profitable solution to a consumer problem, active listening & delegation. They would now be converting their academic knowledge into a real life experience, through an entrepreneurship project with an industry mentor. This experience would build their professional & life skills.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering our Youth, who are building our future.



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 13th October at Technocrats Institute of Technology & Science, Bhopal.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, the problems they want to solve, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust, active listening & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, fine tuned their understanding of a business plan, how to build a sustainable business, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Building skills of Youth for economic empowerment & job creation



Prowisdom Growth conducted the IIIrd of its sustainable skill development programs on 29th Sept,2017 at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

The students got feedback on the ways to improve their written communication skills, the importance of knowing their values. They developed a basic understanding of The Cash Flow Quadrant & it's application, learning's from global entrepreneurs, the Iceberg Illusion, focus on willingness.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust, example of a Business Model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Encouraging students with the basics of entrepreneurship



Prowisdom Growth conducted the IInd of it's sustainable skill development programs on 26th Sept,2017 at Jagannath International School, Delhi.

The session was lead by Mr.Sanjay Kumar Goel. The students valued learning how to manage stress & ways to improve their concentration power through meditation & yoga.

They practiced to learn how to relax their bodies through various breathing exercises, how to improve focus to perform better at their studies by being in the present moment.

They also learnt how to reduce stress by bringing down the redundant activities so that they have more time to spend on productive activities.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Professionals empowering Progressive Schools & Students



Prowisdom Growth conducted the IInd of its sustainable skill development programs on 23rd Sept,2017 at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

The students practiced their Communication Skills by speaking & recording their speech on a camera, practiced an appropriate voice tone & eye contact for an effective audience connect.

They learnt the benefits of being an active listener, the loss of trust if they do not listen to others, the 10 steps to an effective listening, wrote down their personal & professional goals, the time they need to invest each day to progress, drew their lifeline to know themselves better, S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting to bring in focus, Techniques of Time Management, the 4 Quadrants of time management & the need to read & write regularly, to bring in new thoughts into their mind & to express themselves.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering College students through skill development



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 25th Sept,2017 at JECRC University, Jaipur.

The students shared unique business plans & the problems they want to solve, as an entrepreneur. They valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust, active listening & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, fine tuned their understanding of their business plan, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections & learnt to respond and not react to objections & inputs from the audience, so that they can improve their business model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering Youth to generate employment & create value



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 25th Sept,2017 at JECRC University, Jaipur.

The students shared unique business plans & the problems they want to solve, as an entrepreneur. They valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust, active listening & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, fine tuned their understanding of their business plan, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections & learnt to respond and not react to objections & inputs from the audience, so that they can improve their business model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering Youth to generate employment & create value



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 24th Sept,2017 at Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections while being humble enough to listen to additional insights to improve their business model.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering Youth to generate employment & create value



Prowisdom Growth in collaboration with E-Cell IIT-Bombay conducted a workshop on " Entrepreneurship & Business Model Canvas " on 20th Sept,2017 at ABV IIITM, Gwalior.

The students valued the experiential learning program to get clarity on the basics of entrepreneurship, the mindset of an entrepreneur, the struggle & challenges they face, idea generation techniques, active listening within the team, market research, exploring a sustainable & profitable solution to a problem, team formation through trust & delegating responsibilities.

The students understood & applied the 9 components of business model canvas to their idea, learnt the basics of Finance & Cost control, presented their pitch to potential customers & answered to their objections while being humble enough to listen to additional insights to improve their business model.

Entrepreneurship is a career choice. Believe in yourself.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering Youth to get aware & prepare themselves to generate employment for their country.



Prowisdom Growth conducted the 1st of its sustainable skill development engagement on 18th Sept,2017 at Jagannath International School, Delhi for the senior students.

The students learnt the basic skills of setting their goals, the value of analyzing where they spend time, Recording, Review & Planning (writing down their short - medium- long term goals), the 4 quadrants of Time Management, having an accountability partner, role model, asking for help & delegating, announcing their goals, empowering & helping their classmates more than competing, talking to themselves, the value of consistency in action even if its 15-20 minutes but it should be done each day, to progress on their long term goals.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Committed to empower the Youth to achieve their goals



Prowisdom Growth conducted the 1st of its sustainable skill development programs on 16th Sept,2017 at Arya P.G.College, Panipat.

The students valued learning the basics of Public Speaking, the importance of active listening to convey respect for the speaker, the use of hand gestures to convey trust, Non-verbal communication through effective eye contact and smile to connect with the audience.

Each one of them is unique & ambitious to make a mark.We believe in them & are working with them to improve their skills.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering College students from education to employability



Prowisdom Growth conducted an orientation for Keshav Mahavidyalaya College, D.U on 14th Sept,2017 to appraise the students on " Getting Job Ready Skills ".

The students valued sharing their professional goals, learnt the basics of time management, the 4 quadrants where they spend time, their need to focus on " Urgent & Not Important " for achieving long term goals, the value of setting Goals, getting an accountability partner to help them progress: be it their parents, sibling, mentor or friend.

How Entrepreneurship can be viewed as a career choice, the value of exploring their interests through different types of internships & mentored research projects, social networking, building critical skills valued by all employers, the importance of knowing/searching for the Purpose of their life, as early as they can.

Team Prowisdom Growth
Empowering the Youth to achieve their professional goals



Prowisdom Growth conducted a skill development program on 22nd August,2017 at ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL ( IBS ), Gurgaon on " Body Language & Image Management " for the MBA students.

The students shared their experiences & current understanding of these skills while building their awareness of an appropriate Body Language, How to Win Trust : Passion, Grotesque ,Truth, Ecstatic Plane, What is First Impression,the 4 components of an Image, the 4 levels of Dressing, building self confidence by accepting & being comfortable with their Body Image, overcoming self-imposed barriers to indecision through a technique of mind power.

The science of Proxemics (territory) & Haptics (professional handshake),Oculesics : Eye Contact Basics (Power gaze, social gaze, intimate gaze), Kinesics (facial expression),Gestures & Postures (defensiveness, frustration, deception, dominance, confidence), Mirroring (to develop rapport) & Power Pose (to gain confidence) when it matters to them.

Team Prowisdom Growth Private Limited
Empowering the Youth, by bridging the gap between education & employability